
SheerVision® has a network of professional representatives available to assist you at every level of the review and purchase process. SheerVision is also the only surgical loupe company that has a separate dental hygiene division, staffed exclusively by dental hygienists for dental hygienists.

SheerVision is proud of the awards and recognition that we have rapidly achieved. As an industry innovator, SheerVision's loupes and FireFly™ LED headlights have decisively earned a reputation for leadership and value in optical technology supporting practitioners throughout the world.

As a practitioner, you want to do your best for your patients. You also have a genuine concern about your own long-term health and comfort. Many medical and dental professionals suffer a shortened career due to practice related injuries. SheerVision loupes give you unsurpassed optical clarity while allowing you to practice with optimal ergonomics. Your patients will benefit by a higher standard of quality care. You will benefit by enhanced vision, body-friendly ergonomics, less fatigue, and an extended career.

SheerVision manufactures our surgical loupes and sells them directly to the end user. Their channels of distribution coupled with their unique business model allows us to sell a class-leading product at a price point far below our closest competitor. Our 30-day trial period allows you to try the surgical loupes and LED headlight systems in your practice to determine, for yourself, their true value.

Divisions :

Dental Division

Dental Hygiene Division

Surgical Division

Veterinary Division

Find SheerVision's surgical loupes in private dental practices, clinical settings, college campuses and medical institutions throughout the United States as well as internationally throughout Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and South America.

SheerVision Loupe & LED Headlamp Packages

SheerVision Surgical Loupes for Medial and Dental Use SheerVision Attends Surgery, Dental, Dental Hygienist and Veterinary Events

  Wide Ranging Uses For SheerVision's Products
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